Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weight Watchers Online Review

Pretty people are thin. Period.

I would love to say weight doesn't matter, beauty comes from within, love yourself, blah, blah. But. We all know the bottom line is we're fat in America.

At least I am.

I decided in January (cliche I know) to join Weight Watchers online. I've had success with WW in the past and I know their program works, when I work it.

Part of the online appeal for me was not having to write my food and points on a pad of paper which I constantly misplaced. Also, my hand writing is illegible. I figured online would make things easier to manage. But, I was wrong.

I have quit Weight Watchers online because it SUCKS it's not a good product. 

At first I thought the slow processing was because the WW servers were being overwhelmed with New Year's resolution folks. But, it's still slow and it's February 15th.  

Half the food I eat is not listed in their online directory. Every time I try to change a portion size, their program automatically adds a zero - so a 2 point item becomes a 20 point item until you manually change it.

These are nit picky things, but I expect excellence from the WW brand and they're falling short.

I've thought about what they need to do to make their online product better and here are my suggestions:

* Team up with DLWZ.com where you can find points easily for common and not so common restaurants. This is a no-brainer as far as I'm concerned.

* Start a blog from the WW site.  Pick someone who is not obese - that's all been done before. Pick an average 160 pound woman and follow her until she reaches her 130 pound goal.

* Expand the food catalog - everything that is in the WW points booklet should be online and it isn't.

* Fruit is now free which is complete and utter bullshit. I know I am not overweight from eating too many bananas, but I also know bananas are not free and I want to count them as 2 points. Don't fence me in with the 0 crap.

* How about a daily, motivational something emailed to participants? I read weight loss/exercise sites every day - they inspire me. Why aren't you doing this WW?

I may email this post to WW. I want them to be better than they currently are.

So I can be inspired to be better than I currently am.


  1. Sorry to hear about your WW experience -- I lost a little over 15 lbs with WW, but I went to meetings. I needed the accountability and I liked having a human being to answer my questions!

    The WW site is slow -- I agree 100% with that! I learned the new program and I prefer the older one as well -- your point about bananas is spot on!

  2. Couchpotatoathlete (great name,

    )I do think WW is a great program, but their new online program really falls short.

    Here's a site I found and LOVE - Mark's Daily Apple - check it out. I think you'll like it too and it's good information to take in tandem w/WW.
