Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Great Concealer - Benefit Erase Paste

I'm always on the hunt for a great concealer. My experience is they're hard to find.

Just like the perfect mascara, marketers claim to have developed many miracles in their newest jars of beauty.

And they lie.

But, I am a sucker for a great name and who can resist something called 'Erase Paste'?  Isn't that my ultimate desire to have my flaws erased? Plus, by and large I love everything Benefit makes - and as I said before, who can resist their great product names?

I read reviews online before purchasing this as it's $26 and I hate to waste my money and/or my time with a return. The reviews are mixed. Some people claim it's all that and a bag of chips and some people stated it was too oily and needed to be set with a powder. 

I bought the product in "Fair". I have olive skin tones, I guess I would call myself 'medium', but I was hoping with a lighter shade I'd have better luck concealing the circles under my eyes. 

I immediately opened the package once I was in the car (hubby was driving) and I applied it to one eye. I  asked if he could see a difference between the two eyes and received an immediate 'Yeah, actually the one doesn't look so dark'. I thought the same thing. I could see an immediate improvement. 

I like the creamy texture of this product and the little spatula that comes with it. I put a small dollop on the back of my hand and dotted it under my eye before blending. I didn't feel the need to add a powder on top. 

I did notice after a couple of hours that some of the concealer had managed to move into a couple of my eye creases (let's not call them wrinkles!) which I blended right back in and it looked great. 

Next, came the true test. How does this product work covering up blemishes? 

I have the good fortune of having a 15-year-old in the house and she has fair skin. And some acne. I applied Erase Paste in the morning to cover a few blemishes - flawless!  I couldn't believe how nicely it covered her skin. (She's more fair than I am).   When I picked her up from school, I could tell some of the product should have been re-touched midday, but all in all this is the best concealer I've found for her. 

Long and short of it? I think this is a great product with immediate results. I like it a lot and wouldn't hesitate to recommend buying it. 

I bought this product at Ulta for $24 (retails $26) because the salesperson at the counter gave me a discount from a coupon she had saving me $2. You may want to hunt down a coupon before purchasing. 

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