Monday, February 7, 2011

First Blog Post - Ever

You know how you go out with a girlfriend and you tell her excitedly about a good book or product you've just discovered and she must run out and buy it RIGHT NOW! Only to have her respond, "Oh. Yeah. I've been using that product, read that book, wore that athletic brand for years,etc....".

And you think to yourself, 'Well why the hell didn't you tell me so I could have gotten in on the goods sooner?'

Well, I'm aiming to be your friend who lets you in on the goods.

I've thought about writing a blog for a couple of years now. I love reading blogs, I follow several beauty and fitness blogs, but I have yet to find exactly what I am looking for, so I'm going to try and create it. 

I have no affiliation to any beauty, athletic wear or publishing companies (although I wish I did!).  What you'll get from me is the honest opinion of a Midwest consumer.

Consider me the girlfriend who is more than happy to share her secrets. I want you to be happy and successful. I'll share what I love, and maybe you'll find a shortcut to finding what you love too. Albeit easier with my help.

Welcome to my blog!

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